Thursday 1 January 2015

Pancake recipe

Hii beautiful creatures! 

Today i've decided to share a very common recipes which is "Pancake".Pancake usually suitable for breakfast or brunch but I also eat them for snack..YEAHH..why not, right?
To make a beautiful,fluffy and nice pancakes we need:

INGREDIENTS(to make 5 medium small size pancakes)

1 cup of purpose flour + 3 tablespoons flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

1/4 teaspoons of salt

2 tablespoons of sugar

1 large egg

1 tabelspoons oil

1/2 water + 1/2 milk( I used whole milk)

psstt* can double the recipe if you making a big batch of batter ;)


 Crack an  egg into the measuring jug( a bowl works well too). Then, add the salt and sugar and whisk well. Pour milk, water and oil into the egg mixture and stir. Add the baking powder and whisk until there is some bubbles form on the surface. Lastly, pour the flour slowly and mix well.(DO NOT OVERMIX)

Heat the pan on medium low heat. Grease the pan using ccoking spray or spread some butter. Transfer the pan aside and Pour the batter .This method are the main step to make a nice and beautiful light brown colour pancake. Back to our steps, transfer back the pan on the stove and wait until the surface of the pancake formed some bubbles. Then, flipped the pancake gently.
Make the rest of the batter immediately. Stack the pancakes , put some butter on top and drizzle some maple syrup..


*use this recipe wisely okay? hehehe ;)
byebye Beautiful creatures..



Hii beautiful creatures..!

Welcome back to weird teen I've decided to wrote in Malay language since I'm Malaysian so YEAHH..hahahah...

Okayy..hari ini New Year maknanya tak lama lagi sekolah lah kan? And kauorang mesti rasa malas and tak bersedia betul tak? Akulah orangnya soo..YEAHH.
Ada juga budak dalam dunia ni yang tak sabar nak ke sekolah kan? Katanya ,nak jumpa kawan "RINDU" ada juga yang memang nak ke sekolah sampai bertekad nak belajar   bersungguh-sungguh ...Bagus memang bagus SYABAS lah kepada siapa ada niat macam tu..I Salute!!,,But jangan pula bila cikgu baru je bagi homework banyak sikit dah putus asa ..jangan lahh macam tu okay?Kuatkan semangat untuk lawan perasaan yang merugikan kita tu..

Satu lagi,,,Aku pun pelik budak sekarang ni pergi sekolah bukannya nak belajar nak umm apa hahh?
AHHaaa bercinta-cintun pulak dah..Kalau sesekali kau nak suka pun tak perlu nak angau sangat sampai nak couple semua tu..dahh Aku taknak sentuh lagi pasal suka-suki tu..Maaflah kalau terguris perasaan kauorang tu okay? I'm very sorry..

Back to our main topic which is "SEKOLAH" ..Aku bukanlah seorang murid yang pandai yang selalu dapat top 10 ..Aku pun bukannya murid yang sering dipuji guru..(jarang rasanya)..       


Rasa macam tercabar pun ada tapi nak buat macam mana Aku ni seorang pemalu, emotional dan tidak beberapa aktif dalam kelas.Guru memang tak boleh disalahkan , anyway Thanks cikgu! jasamu akan dikenang selalu...Aku ?Bagai "Katak di bawah tempurung"? Ohhh..tidak Aku taklah macam tu ..Aku ada jugalah masuk kawad kaki perbarisan, kem-kem yang sekolah anjurkan Aku turut serta. Selain itu, Aku ada jugalah masuk workshop yang dianjurkan pihak sekolah tu pun sebab petrosains yang anjurkan..LOL...

Ni Aku nak sharekan tips belajar yang Abang saudara Aku bagi...Di sekolah dia(Asrama Agama pandai wooo), "dia" sering dapat top 3..'A' dia pun Alhamdulillah bagus jugalah..okayy..Now 
Aku tak nak buang masa lagi's the tips:

1# buat note or catatan pada buku rujukan kau (jangan pergi tulis kat buku teks pulak! hak sekolah kena jaga).

2# bila tak faham tanya cikgu or atau kau takut nak tanya kat kelas tanya kat pejabat ajak lah kawan 
kau tu..dia pun nak berjaya jugak! Ilmu jangan sama sekali kedekut..okay?

3# Bila tak faham jangan nak diam..tanya kawan , kalau kawan tahu or tak bagi (kedekut) pergi tanya kawan lain..

4# Study tu jangan sampai lewat malam.. tidur cukup!(PENTING)
    malam-malam belajar mmg tak masuk..sbb malam otak dah set nak rest 
   so kau kena charge ..

Aku rasa itu je yang Aku dapat share kan kat kauorang semua ..Maafkan Aku jika , kalau tersilap kata ..Kalau kauorang nak tanya something just comment , alright?.
And last, jangan kedekut bila berlajar !..

okay!...byebye Beautiful creatures..see you in the next post..Assallamualaikum 
and salam sejahtera..

Wednesday 31 December 2014

Japanese crepe recipe

Welcome to my blog, thanks to all viewers for willing to spend your time on my blog.I really appreciate it..

    So todaaayyy...i would like to share a very delicious dessert recipe which is JAPANESE CREPE.The texture of  the crepe were fluffy even i didn't add any baking powder or baking soda and
the surface were soft and doesn't burn.Anddddddddd make Japanese crepe we need:

1 cup all purpose flour

1 tablespoon granulated sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 cup of milk + 1/2 cup of water

2 large eggs

a dash of vanilla extract

Firsly, pour the milk and water into a bowl, but a measuring jug works well too.Then put the eggs one by one and stir it well. Add vanilla extract ,sugar and salt .Again stir.Lastly, pour the flour slowly into the mixture and stir until there is no lumps form.

Heat the pan on medium low heat.Grease the pan using cooking spray or oil( little amount).
transfer the pan on the wet kitchen towel and pour the batter.Spread the batter evenly . Cook the crepe until the surface of the crepe begin to dry and step aside .Make the rest of the crepe while the other crepes cool .For fillings  ,scoop your favourite ice cream flavour and drizzle some chocolate syrup and sprinkle(if you prefer) and enjoy!..

I hope you guys likes this recipe and use this recipe wisely okay?..byebye beautiful creature.. ;) ;)

*this is not a video ..-> ->
This recipe  also suitable for breakfast.For fillings i used peanut butter and for topping , sliced fresh bananas.